Myths And Facts of Cyber Security

In today’s modern digital world, cybersecurity has emerged as a crucial aspect for everyone – especially businesses and corporations. Everyone wants to keep their information and data safe. Organizations, irrespective of their industry, size and nature have started to heavily focus and invest in cyber training and security.

According to Fortune Business Insights, the global cyber security market is projected to grow from USD 155.83 billion in 2022 to USD 376.32 billion by 2029, exhibiting a CAGR of 13.4%.
However, even though people have started to pay heed to cybersecurity, there are multiple myths and misconceptions about cybersecurity that prevents companies as well as individuals from structuring a robust cybersecurity infrastructure.
Therefore, we will here have a look at the biggest cybersecurity myths and facts.

Sophisticated security tools = Safety

Investing in high-end and sophisticated security tools can confer higher and better security but can never guarantee it. They are an essential part of keeping your business secure but there are still chances of cyber threats and security breaches. They should be properly configured, monitored and maintained to ensure security.

Regular penetration tests prevent risks

Conducting regular penetration tests is inefficient unless the businesses know how to manage and rectify the vulnerabilities and loopholes in their security infrastructure discovered during the test. Also, you should always consider the scope of the tests.

Following industry regulations means safety

Complying with industry regulations is essential to establish trust, avoid legal consequences and do business. However, regulations often refer to the bare minimum of security practices. So, compliance doesn’t always mean that you are secure. Organizations must consider that they are worthy enough of they need more.

Third-party security provider makes everything secure

Even though an expert cybersecurity firm takes on the responsibility of implementing and reviewing security policies to protect the company, it is important that you understand the risks and how can you address them. Regardless of the third-party capability, you are legally and ethically responsible to secure your business’s critical assets.

Only securing internet-facing applications

Organizations should always secure all their internet-facing applications. However, that should not be the only thing that requires security. For example, just in case an employee accidentally opens an infected link, your whole organization’s IT system may get compromised. So, you should have better controls for inside threats as well.

No cyber-attack yet means security is strong

Cyber threats are continuously growing in complexity and sophistication. Therefore, organizations need to work continuously on cybersecurity. Therefore, your aim should always be to have a strategic posture that allows you to react quickly to any security incident and mitigate it before any major damage.

IT department is solely responsible for the security

Despite the IT department having the big responsibility of managing the cybersecurity of any organization, they should not be solely responsible for security. A security breach can have potential and long-last business effects, so real preparedness is always only when every employee is prepared and eager to prevent cyber threats.

You’re unlikely to experience a security breach

Most organizations assume that they will not experience a security breach due to the business nature of the industry they’re in. However, every business is likely to suffer a security breach at some stage. Therefore, it is best to be prepared always.

Strong passwords can avoid data breach

Organizations are often under impression that their regular passwords are strong enough to keep their business safe. However, having a strong password is only a start. For a robust security system, it needs multi-layered defence. Two-factor authentication and regular data monitoring are additionally effective.

Cyber threats are always external

No doubt, outsider threats are a major concern for any organization and should be constantly monitored. However, equally dangerous is the inside threats.
Ignorance, employee negligence and malicious behaviour can cause inside threats high-security risks compared to outside threats.

A password means the Wi-fi network is secure

In shared-space or remote working, people tend to think that passwords can keep their Wi-Fi networks safe. However, all public networks can be compromised – even if it has a password.
Even though passwords limit the number of users using the network, those users can gain access to sensitive data.

You’ll know if there is a security compromise

In this digital era, it can take days or months to realize that you’re under a cyber-attack. It can result in massive data loss, security breach or disclosure of confidential information. Moreover, the modern stains of malware are even more intelligent and difficult to detect.

One of the biggest cybersecurity threats is myths. They tend to make the organizations deny real threats paving way for cybercriminals to wreak havoc. Therefore, never consider those cybersecurity myths as mere illusions. Breaking them and knowing the facts is the first step towards developing cybersecurity maturity.